Our Policies
Public Health:
If you or your child shows any cold symptoms, please don't attend your class.
Children who have had vomiting, diarrhoea &/or conjunctivitis in the previous 7 days should not enter the pool.
Please maintain social distancing where possible.
St Ignatius College is a smoke free zone, no smoking is permitted on the College grounds.
Program Timetables:
Class timetables are based on the school terms and classes can be joined at any time.
Holiday intensive programs are offered during the September, January and April school holidays.
Full fees are payable prior to the start of Term.
10% discount applies to families with three or more swimmers enrolled.
Active Kids vouchers are accepted for programs which run for 8 or more sessions.
First lap vouchers are accepted for both term and holiday enrolments.
Swimwear, Swim Caps & Aqua Nappies:
All swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear to lessons.
Rash-tops and board shorts are discouraged.
The College requires that all swimmers must wear a swim cap.
Aqua Nappy Policy:
All children 3 years and below MUST wear a firmly fitting swimming nappy "Happy Nappy" or TOASTEE Infant Pant. This is in ADDITION to any disposable aqua nappy that is worn underneath.
This also applies to any children over the age of 3 years who are not toilet trained.
We reserve the right to ask any person that is not complying with this policy to exit the pool.
This Policy is in place to ensure the highest possible water quality for our patrons.
Missed Lessons:
If you are unable to attend your lesson, your lesson is forfeited. We do not offer refunds or credits for missed lessons.
Make up lessons may be arranged during the term or in the next holiday intensive program, subject to suitable availability.
Make up lessons are only available whilst you have an active booking. Once you withdraw from lessons, any outstanding make ups are forfeited.
Make up lessons rely on other swimmers cancelling from their lesson and are only available if there is a suitable availability within the program. This is not guaranteed, especially during our busiest times.
Lost Property:
Lost property items are usually taken to the Gartlan office upstairs for 1 week and are then moved to the College’s lost property in the school.
Lost goggles will be put into our spare goggles basket.
Change Rooms:
Children 7 years and older are not permitted in opposite gender change rooms.
Photography is not permitted inside the Gartlan Center.
Please seek permission from the Pool Deck Supervisor if you wish to take any photos or videos in the center.
Parental Supervision:
Parents or carers must be in the center for the entire duration of their child's lesson. This applies for any child under 10 years of age.
Children may be dropped off if enrolled in Junior & Senior squads, however they must report to the Pool Deck Supervisor at the first lesson of each term to ensure we have the correct Emergency Contact Details.